I am a professional web developer originally from Hungary, now based in Brussels.
I got acquainted with photography at a very early age, around 6-7, when my Father – who himself was also very passionate about this art in his twenties and thirties – gave me a small, Russian camera. I took the photos and he developed them in the darkroom. In the primary school I took my camera with me on several occasions: parties, excursions etc.
Later, my interest turned towards computers and this new passion dominated my childhood and later all my studies. I have finished an MSc in Computer Science at the Pannon University, located in my hometown, Veszprém. After graduation worked for 7 years in Budapest at companies of different profiles and sizes.
Coming to Belgium in 2012, I tasted how is life at a startup and 3 years later I sailed into calm waters by working for the European Commission. In the spring of 2017 I moved to Tokyo for 6 months, where I invested all my time into my newly found passion called photography.